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Our Sustainability Dashboards offer a transparent view of your environmental impact, featuring key metrics like waste diversion, CO2 reduction, and circular economy engagement. These insights not only enhance brand awareness but also build trust by demonstrating your commitment to sustainable practices. They serve as a testament to your brand's dedication to sustainable initiatives, fostering consumer confidence and a greener corporate identity.

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Our collective action at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show saw 14,161 aluminum cans and 17,808 plastic bottles enter the recycling loop. We didn't stop there; 3,650 lbs of cardboard, 737 lbs of glass, and 4,515 lbs of film were also reclaimed, cutting down waste and crafting a greener tomorrow. Recycling over +10,000 lbs.

CO2 Emissions Cut
Every sustainable choice counts, and our efforts at the event prove it, with a substantial CO2 reduction of 14.83 tons, illustrating the event's role in championing a cleaner, healthier planet.

Circular Economy Products
Our initiatives breathed new purpose into recyclables, forging over 1,700 shirts, nearly 3,000 hats, and countless lanyards, showcasing the circular economy in motion.

More To Come
2023 marked the inaugural year of our circular economy program at the boat show, setting a sustainable precedent in partnership with Informa Markets. With a successful start, we’re raising the bar for next year, aiming to surpass our current achievements and inspire even greater environmental stewardship within the industry and beyond.

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2024 Miami International Boat Show

We navigated through sustainability, recycling a vast sea of 44,940 aluminum cans and 11,063 plastic bottles. Our journey continued with reclaiming 10,540 lbs of cardboard, 679 lbs of glass, and 1,327 lbs of film, steering away from the tides of waste. We recycled over 15,000 lbs at the Miami International Boat Show.

CO2 Emissions Cut

Our green initiatives at the Miami Boat Show led to a remarkable reduction in our carbon footprint, cutting down CO2 emissions by 20.54 tons and charting a course for a brighter, cleaner future.

Circular Economy Products
Riding the Wave of Reuse: The Miami Boat Show’s commitment to the circular economy was showcased by repurposing recycled materials into 1,106 shirts, 1,843 hats, or a fleet of other sustainable products.

How We Made It Happen
At the Miami Boat Show, our journey to eco-excellence was navigated through strategic steps in partnership with Informa Markets: rigorous Waste Audits, accessible Recycling Stations, thorough Recyclable Collection, Chain of Custody Logistics, engaging Educational Engagement, showcasing a Circular Economy, and effectively Communicating Through Data. Each step was integral in forging a sustainable path for the boating world.

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The Lifetime Miami Marathon set a swift pace in waste reduction, with a total of 522 lbs of waste diverted from landfills through the recycling of 7,294 aluminum cans and 8,857 plastic bottles.

CO2 Emissions Cut
Our eco-marathon efforts achieved a reduction of 1.584 tons in CO2 emissions, contributing to a cleaner atmosphere and setting an enduring example for eco-conscious sporting events.

Circular Economy Products
Athleticism met environmentalism as we converted 255 lbs of aluminum and 267 lbs of plastic into wearable victories, creating either 885 shirts, 738 polos, 1,215 hats, and 7,294 pairs of socks.

What’s Next?
As we lace up for the next challenge, the Lifetime series of events looks forward to raising the sustainability bar, aiming for broader impact and deeper community involvement in our green initiatives.


We have worked with a variety of clients where we have lowered their emissions, lowered their waste bills and implemented sustainable practices at events, including adding sustainable products & apparel.



This collaboration led to innovative waste management solutions that significantly reduced the event's environmental footprint while creating economic, environmental and social value for the attendees.

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Champions for GREEN helped set up proper recycling infrastructure with clear signage to make it easy for Padel X guests to recycle correctly. This created a Circular Economy allowing them to add high quality sustainable products to their facility, positively impacting their community. 

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848 Brickell Ave, Suite 300Miami, FL 33131

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Champions For GREEN

© 2023, Champions For GREEN