We specialize in transforming events and venues into models of sustainability, integrating eco-friendly practices from planning to execution. Our comprehensive approach encompasses waste reduction, resource efficiency, and community engagement, making every event not just memorable but also environmentally responsible.

As part of a family of companies dedicated to sustainability, we leverage our collective expertise to create truly sustainable events, ensuring we close the loop at every stage. This synergy allows us to provide tailored, innovative strategies that meet the specific needs of each event while contributing to a greener future.

Our Mission

Our mission at Champions for GREEN Events is to help events and venues reach and exceed their sustainability goals by building a circular economy.

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Our Family of Companies

For over 35 years, we've grown organically into an eco system of sustainability businesses. We have recycled over 1.6 billion lbs of plastic and other waste materials, supplying over 250 separate sustainability services, solutions, products. 

We manufacture sustainable consumers and corporate products implementing sustainable events, venues, campus & community solutions, and more.

Learn more

Our Markets

We work with many markets in order to maximize the value of a circular economy.

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Champions for Green

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Impac Environmental

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Circular Express Box

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Community for Green

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Avon Recycling Services

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Circular Economy Green

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Our Four Pillars Of Sustainability

We implement our 4 Key pillars of Sustainability to help Events and Venues integrate sustainability solutions that lower carbon footprints and drive the most economic, social, and environmental value.

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Our Mission

Learn More

Our expertise at events expand passed recycling, we focus on creating value through story telling, sustainable apparel and more

Sustainability Success

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Sustainable Apparel

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What we do

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Sustainability Toolkit

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848 Brickell Ave, Suite 300Miami, FL 33131

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Champions For GREEN

© 2023, Champions For GREEN